Meet Anita

Hi, I’m Anita, lampwork glass artist, metal smith, and yoga teacher.


I have always been fascinated with adornment.
My mother always said, “it’s the adornment that transforms the outfit”.  As a little girl I would spend hours playing dress up with my mother’s old fancy clothes and costume jewelry; loving every minute of how it made me feel. Since then mother’s words have guided me and it was only natural for me to begin creating my own line of jewelry.

“Have you ever thought about making your own glass beads?

A simple but life changing question.

At the time I hadn’t given any thought to how glass beads were made, they were something I purchased at the store.  But after taking my first glass making class I was hooked. I loved the way the glass moved and the alchemy of mixing colors. When I began adding my handmade glass beads to the jewelry pieces people started buying them right off my body.  That’s when I knew it was time to move from a hobby to a business.  A short time later I quit my career in management, began teaching yoga and became a full time glass and jewelry artist.

When I’m not teaching yoga, hiking, or cooking you will find me in the studio creating.  My 30+ years of yoga practice has taught me to allow inspiration to flow through me as the glass flows and the metals move.  It’s a moving meditation practice that fills me with joy.  I believe this joyful energy is infused in my work and can be felt on an energetic level.

Over the years I have built an incredibly wonderful studio that continues to evolve as I do.  If you are in the Phoenix area, studio visits are available by appointment.

Namaste, Anita  


Working in the Glass Studio



Jewelry Studio